Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rain of chaos???

Pasar Malam war!?!? Who dare to challenge our Taichi Instructor?


Detecting the brave culprit ...

First suspect...

Holding a bomb...aiming which prey with evil eyes?, she's the one?
But...looks innocent...pity for her...

Suspecting this one... But he's eating a bomb.... Should be trying hard to kamikaze in the middle of war... Don't despair first, HH~


Har ! Look at this guy! The most suspicious culprit ... Looks like an ogre with fire bomb!


So, who is the wanted person? >.<" Eh? Wait a minute...

那么到底谁是罪犯呢?>.< 等等~~~~

He's so happy now... somemore with a clean face... Victory?


Can anyone tell me what's going on? >.<"


"Nolah, kami sedang celebrating YJ's Birthday la! Lu tak tau ka?"

Oh!!! I have forgotten that every 23rd of April is an important day for our club! A day everyone will not forget (except me? >.<) and it's the day which everyone dare to pawn our Taichi Instructor - Mr. Lee Yu Jen !!! After Shaolin Training and Taichi Training on that day, we gave a surprise birthday celebration to our beloved Taichi Instructor! Don't believe?


Neh~ This is the proof !

Cutting birthday cake... so that he can "Taichi" the cake to everyone :D


And finally... picture of soldiers in the war...


This story is dedicated to our Taichi Instructor - Lee YJ~ Hope you enjoy it~ Happy 26th Birthday !!! =)

这个故事献给我们太极老师-李老师~~希望您喜欢~~二十六岁生日快乐!! ^_^

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sword 剑

Finally ~ Sword has entered into our family as one of the weapons of Wushu Club. This sword is more to the type of portable as it is retractable (the same concept as antenna :D).


Real Taichi Sword

~ Our Sword ~

Feel the power of this pair of swords!!!


Monday, April 14, 2008

The Forbidden Kingdom 功夫之王

Time to relax for awhile... 轻松轻松一下...

"An American teenager who is obsessed with Hong Kong cinema and kung-fu classics makes an extraordinary discovery in a Chinatown pawnshop: the legendary stick weapon of the Chinese sage and warrior, the Monkey King. With the lost relic in hand, the teenager unexpectedly finds himself traveling back to ancient China to join a crew of warriors from martial arts lore on a dangerous quest to free the imprisoned Monkey King."
This is the first film collaboration between martial arts veterans Jackie Chan and Jet Li, with action choreography by Yuen Woo-ping.

"The Forbidden Kingdom" is opening in theatres on April 18, 2008 ( this week!!!).

杰森是一位酷爱中国功夫的美国少年,他总是希望自己也能成为一名功夫高手,然而当铺的老板老 霍却认为,杰森根本不是这块料,他根本不知道什么是功夫。有一天,杰森在当铺里面发现了一根神秘的金箍棒,竟然因此穿越“无门之门”来到了古代的中国!他发现自己已经置身于一个惊世预言中:一个使者要将传说中的武器交还给它的主人,从而解救被困在石头中五百年的美猴王。


"The Forbidden Kingdom-功夫之王" 四月十八日二零零八年上映~~~~

Jet Li vs. Jackie Chan.... ahhh!!!




This is the trailer of the movie, enjoy~


Friday, April 11, 2008

HYJ Wushu Academy Open Day

HYJ Wushu Academy was founded by three respectable Wushu masters from the Chin Woo Atheletic Association – Master Chong Sit Fook, Master Tommy Yam and Master Ken Woo (MMU Cyberjaya Wushu Club instructor). They possess and have inherited the great Wushu spirit of Master Huo Yuan Jia. Their hope is to promote the martial art to all over the world. Together, they had established the Malaysian HYJ Wushu Academy. The tag line of the academy is “For Wushu We Gather”. It is simple and direct, describing the spirit of being together, regardless of race, nationality and age to learn the Soul of Chinese Culture – Wushu (gong fu, guo shu). Besides education, the cultural world also emphasises in Wu (sports) and De (ethics)….

霍元甲学院由前三位雪隆精武体育会的武术教练张师福教练,严伟中教练以及胡志雄教练(MMU Cyber 武术教练)创办。他们三位秉持着发扬霍元甲先师的伟大武术精 神,抱持着把武术推向国际的大愿;以一种与时俱进,超越传统,将武术年轻化与普及化的姿势,携手成立了马来西亚霍元甲武术学院。《众聚为武》是他们打出的 口号,简单而直接-就是不同民族,不同国籍也都能够相聚在一块学习中华文化之魂-武术(功夫、国术)。一个为人而教育的地方,一个重武重德,文武齐修的文 化世界,聚合了热爱武术文化的心。简单而直接,这就是........

(Click picture to enlarge)

霍元甲武术学院-首间训练中心位于KUCHAI ENTREPRENEUR PARK 将于五月正式开课,现在进行招生与试课活动。欢迎出席本院开放日以及联络本院负责人以安排试课预约。由于试课时间与名额有限,所以敬请提早致电预约。

"Our first training centre in Kuchai Entrepreneur Park will be officially commencing classes in May 2008. The centre will be opened for new recruitments and we welcome all to come for the Open Day. Please feel free to contact us regarding the arrangement of FREE TRIAL sessions. Kindly make your appointments earlier due to the limited number of sessions available."

想学习一些武术吗?想学习一些舞狮舞龙,大旗或其他关于武术的东西吗?想学会翻筋斗吗?想像李连杰和成龙那么厉害吗?是否觉得在这么危险的社会里,应该学习下防身术? 那么就别犹豫了,请立刻 加入霍元甲武术学院

Are you interested to learn self-defence to protect yourself?
Are you fascinated by martial arts films by Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li and want to know more about it?
Have you ever wanted to learn Chinese martial arts but never had the chance?
Or do you just want to sweat it out in a fun way for a healthy body and mind? Well now here's your chance, join us HYJ Wushu Academy!


For Wushu We Gather

CNYE Wushu Performance Video

Thursday, April 10, 2008

CNYE Wushu Performance

Chinese Language Society (CLS) of MMU Cyberjaya has invited us to perform a martial art performance for lantern night during Chinese New Year (CNYE). The objective of this event is to promote the chinese culture to all students in MMU.

MMU Cyberjaya华文学会邀请我们在华文学会所举办的“灯会” 表演武术。此活动的宗旨是发扬中华文化,让MMU学生更了解中华文化

The spirit of Wushu !


The Taichi part


The Shaolin part together with Wushu flags


Wushu Integration Camp 2007 (WIC)

One of the most successful events organized by our club - Wushu Integration Camp 2007. This event takes months of preparation and has given everyone an opportunity to meet with other Wushu members from other schools. This camp is organized at Sungai Chongkak, Cheras, Selangor from 9-11 Nov 2007.

在2007年里我们举办的最成功的活动-武术交流营。这次武术交流营在十一月九至十一号 二零零七年 sungai chongkak,cheras selangor 举办。一个让来自不同学校学武之人聚在一起的活动,一个让热爱武术的人聚在一起的活动~,这就是武术交流营~~简称WIC....

Organizers and participants of WIC 2007


The arrival of participants from Tsun Jin High School


The camp site in Sungai Chongkak

Sungai Chongkak的营地

The introduction of committees to all participants


Playing water in huh?

他们在指什么,水不冷吗>.< ?

Night activities - dance and sing ahh~~ ss ahhhh~~


The Wushu Training in jungle, led by our master - Master Woo ^^


And of course, the appreciation night for the success of WIC !

